Monday 19 January 2015

Our aborted plans from last year are back on . . . ?

Last June we felt we were on the cusp of an enormous change in our lives.  Our current home was going to be rented out and we were going to live in France for a year or so while we worked on our latest renovation project.  But much to our disappointment, this didn't happen as planned and in the autumn we formally aborted the plan.

Just after Christmas and the plan is back on.  Our neighbours have some friends who they thought might like to rent the house and we have just had our second meeting with them this weekend.  We are pretty sure the deal is on.  The enormity of this is only just sinking in as I start to work on some sort of plan to clear the garage and move all the stuff we want down in France.

Long lists are being created of everything that needs to be done and by when.  Timelines are being drawn up, and various transport arrangements are being booked.  We are going to have yet another de-clutter and throw out.  And our prospective tenants are going to use a surprisingly large amount of the stuff we don't want to take with us.

So this is it.  Two years away from our Oxfordshire home.  A renovation to finish, sell on and another purchase planned with the proceeds.  A complete break for Wife, who will no longer work day to day.  Vague thoughts about what other things we could do in France.  Plans for visiting various places - Paris, Chamonix, Brittany, Cahors, the Pyrenees, etc.

What impact will it have on the rest of the family?  My mother, Wife's brother, Daughter.

So much to think about.  So much that needs to be done

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