Sunday 15 April 2012

Daughter is back from Peru - more new plans

An early morning trip to Heathrow to meet Daughter who has red-eyed it back from Ecuador at the end of her latest travel adventure.  It has been apparent from emails during the trip, that this has been a very thought provoking experience for her and she has a whole list of things that she wants to talk about this morning and which will form the basis for lots of thinking over the next few weeks, indeed months.

First up, is her view that she doesn't want to stay too much longer in her current job.  Instead, she wants to return to University, porbably in the USA, and do a further degree in economics.  Secondly, she wants to travel much more, perhaps in a much more independent manner rather than on organised trips.  She has Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam highlighted as her next big trip.  Apparently one of the people she was most impressed by on the trip was a girl from Denmark who was travelling indepently for some months round South America.  And thirdly, there is the issue of what work she'd like to do in the future now she has decided that perhaps management consultancy isn't her long term choice. 

Our journey home is filled with Daughter's ideas.  No doubt these will change substantially as more work is done, but I am pleased she is thinking about such things and I definitely approve of her broad approach for the next few years.

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