Wednesday 20 April 2011

To London, for daughter's birthday

Emma's birthday is a normal working day for her, so we are off to London for the evening.

Pre-meal, we spend some time in Fortnum and Mason's, firstly in the downstair's bar for Linda and Emma to have cocktails, then to the chocolate counter where we buy a selection for the moderately reasonable price of £1 each.

Then off to Quaglino's, which Emma discovered on a work's event and really likes. I have been there a couple of times before, but not for over 10 years. It looks pretty much the same to me, though I didn't see any cigarette girls who were a feature of it when I was there in the distant past.

The meal seems fine to me, but Linda and Emma both send their starters back for having an un-advertised rather odd cheese topping. Emma seems to have a nice time and things seem to be going well at work, so that's all good.

Quite a contrast to last year's week away in New York.

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