Monday 11 June 2012

Italian Holiday - days four to seven


More sun and so more time by the pool reading.  I have been writing notes for a possible fishing video I will make called "How to make a fishing video".  I figure this could be a two part video, featuring pre- to post-production.  I have been reading more about documentary filmmaking and this is a form of a proposal as it were. 

For dinner we decide to return to Perugia where some sort of mini music festival is taking place with a band walking up and down the street and mini DJ set ups at many of the cafes and restaurants.  All very odd.

Daughter looking very brown - the effect of her South America trip followed by sun here.

Daughter and Wife - Wife never goes as brown as Daughter

A Perugian boy-band

My kind of starter - antipasto misto

My king of main course

Slightly cloudy first thing and we decide to go into Perugia again for a walk round.  The purchase of ice cream occurs.

By the afternoon it is sunny again and we are by the pool.  I finally do a bit of swimming and am now regretting having not done some earlier in the week.

A modern sculpture on a church at Perugia

The entrance to the Perugia art museum

Perugia main street

Looking out towards Assisi


Our last day is also nice and sunny.  I have finished five or six pages of notes about how to shoot fishing videos.  Now I will test these notes with the films I am planning to make as I go fishing in a week or so's time.

Dinner tonight is at Il Molo, our favourite Passignano restaurant.  More ice cream is consumed afterwards.  Indeed we have main an extensive study of the various ice cream vendors in this town, but feel that perhaps more research is need in the future to ensure that our conclusions are valid.

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