Saturday 20 March 2010

Final prep for our trip to New York

A day focused around collecting Emma from Cambridge prior to our trip to New York. This involved a complex plan to meet Linda's parents at one of the Park and Rides, then on into Cambridge to meet Emma. It turned out that Linda's mum had more stuff with her than Emma wanted to bring home and it is quite a squeeze to get everything in.

Most of the morning had been spent on PH413 preparation. I have worked through the reading list and located about 2 dozen of the articles available. I only have a faint outline of what work I am going to do between now and the June exam. But there is some overlap with the work on trading that I have been doing and this might make it easier to do.

Music today was mostly the McGarrigles' album Love Over and Over, with the deeply moving track, I eat dinner, and the beautiful St James Hospital

A final packing question - what to take to read? Kepler's Six Cornered Snowflake, Baverstock's Marketing your Book, and Goldstein's recently-published 36 Arguments for the Existence of God (a novel) have all appeared on my shortlist.

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