Monday 5 July 2010

Times article on teenage sex

An article in today's Times provokes some thoughts from the distant past. The author has recently contributed to a book called Losing It - an anthology of short stories about losing your virginity. One sentence in particular, strikes at my own experience, where he says that as a teenager he never really understood why girls let you do these things - the idea that girls enjoyed it too came along much later.

I also thought this throughout my teenage years and it took quite a number of experiences before I began to twig that girls wanted it too. I was far too shy as a teenager to make the first move and most of my earlier experiences came from a girl pursuing me rather than the other way round. Yet this pursuance struck me as deeply puzzling at the time. Had I known that girls pursued boys to the same extent as boys pursued girls, things might have been very different - or perhaps not

I remember reading something about this in John Peel's biography from a few years ago. He said there that perhaps the best advice he ever got from his dad was that girls want it too. And I read Naomi Wolf's Promiscuities a couple of year's ago which also suggested the same thing. Now, thirty odd years later, it remains strange to think back to my teenage years, but I have done so quite a lot over the last half dozen years, mainly due to Emma passing through her teenage years. Emma and her friends were obsessed by boys - odd to think that girls were so obsessed when I was a teenager.

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