I have been listening to an edition of Stuart Maconie's excellent "Freak zone" from Radio 6 and this particular show is mainly about Pink Floyd. He has just told an anecdote about his friend buying "Relics", the compilation of early Pink Floyd and how he had coloured in the wierd front cover. I had a friend who did that. Standout track was "Julia Dreams" I thought

Then he moved on to a particularly obscure Pink Floyd album, their soundtrack to the film "More". This has their main heavy metal track, "The Nile Song", but also has "Cymbaline" which Maconie has just played and which features a quite beautiful keyboard outro by Rick Wright, the sort you'd have liked to go on for another 10 or 15 minutes. I remember us all being very impressed by one guy who went up to London and came back with a copy of More. And a cool album cover we all thought.

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