A long article in the weekend papers on Allen Ginsberg to mark an imminent movie about the
Howl trial. I haven't read this for years, but have listened recently to a recording of Ginberg reading it
. I was rather surprised by this. I had expected a vitriolic performance, but actually it was quite low key. One or two other Ginsberg recordings in the same set, including
Kaddish Pt 1, which I now aim to listen to soon
He was always a fun sort of guy!
I have also got some recordings of Jack Kerouac delivering some of his poetry - mainly fragments of San Francisco Blues. And a recent(ish) documentary on Kerouac that I remember seeing when it was on tv years ago and which I'd quite like to see again

Also lurking somewhere is an audio book of Ginsberg reading
The Dharma Bums - by far my favourite Jack Kerouac book. Like virtually everyone else who reads this, I am completely taken with the character based on Gary Snyder. He is probably the last of the Beats to remain alive. I was somewhat shocked to discover the other day that I have about 20 books of Snyder's or about Snyder.
Not my favourite cover art for The Dharma Bums!
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