Kate Winslett being flogged - bound to happen in such a film one might think
I have also recently downloaded an episode on the Marquis de Sade from the Channel Four Masters of Darkness series. This was a surprisingly academic programme featuring Camilla Paglia and Andrea Dworkins among others.
I have also come across an old film from the 1970s - a version of de Sade's Justine staring the rather gorgeous Koo Stark. I hadn't thought anything about her for years, but I do remember her as someone that most of us at school had rather a crush on in the late 1970s/early 80s.

So on from there to The Marquis de Sade: A Very Short Introduction by someone called John Phillips from the excellent Oxford University Press series, to be followed by the novel Justine which I bought a secondhand copy of this week
Somewhere we have a copy of the collected works of the Marquis de Sade - one of the many books "lost" in the garage in a box somewhere.
Somewhere we have a copy of the collected works of the Marquis de Sade - one of the many books "lost" in the garage in a box somewhere.
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