Recent listening has been dominated by the slow working through of the Pete Namlook and Klaus Schulze multi-cd project,
Dark Side of the Moog. I was surprised to discover that I have over 50 recordings of both of these musicians! Highlights have included
Careful with the AKS, Peter - Part VI with one of the great keyboard solos, and current favourite,
Psychedelic Brunch Part III, a short piece of droning keyboards and which I current have on repeat on my PC as I write this, and am hearing for the twenty-something time today
Pete Namlook and Klaus Schulze
The Dark Side of the Moog project
I have also been watching a number of shows recorded from the Sky Arts Channel over the last few weeks. One highlight has been a live show by Bjork from the Volta tour. I am amazed how she has been able to drag her audience with her on her musical journey, to places I'm sure they would otherwise not have gone
Bjork in Paris

Following on from my Warhol reading and documentary watching, I have moved on to Victor Bokris's biography of Lou Reed - an ex-Oxfordshire library copy that I acquired for £2. I had expected this to be a rather fawning book, but quite the opposite. Reed comes across as a deeply unpleasant person throughout.
Reed at a recent Metal Machine Trio show
Still Reed has been responsible for some of the greatest music of the last 50 years, so so what if he is not a particularly nice person? The other week I heard, for the first time in ages, Beth Gibbon's cover version of
Candy says. I remember Linda once putting her head round the door to say how nice this sounded - but I suspect she hadn't really heard the words, or indeed know anything at all about Candy Darling.
Candy Darling - late 1960s
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