As far as I could tell, it had rained all night. Moreover, it has passed the point of mere heavy rain and has moved into flood conditions. I had tentatively planned to go on another boat trip this morning from Portree to see some local sea eagles. But the wind is high and visibility is not good, so that is called off. As there is no chance of going into the hills, a retreat is in order. I would set off back home, with a possible stop off in the Lake District if the weather is better there.
From Portree to the Kyle of Lochalsh is quite amazing. The rain is unremitting. Sides of the road are flooded, the hills are covered in small streams pouring from the tops, spots I had passed on the way up, such as Sligachan, are virtually unrecognizable. It is actually an incredibly intense experience seeing the landscape like this. I haven't seen rain like this since we were in Thailand during the monsoon back in 1994. Breakfast at a cafe in Broadford is really good - "full Scottish" including haggis. And soon after, I have left Skye
Progress is slow in the poor conditions and, remarkably, I don't leave Scotland until 4:45. The weather forecast is poor for the Lake District and I abandon plans to stop off there. Indeed it doesn't stop raining until I am close to Birmingham. Highlight of the evening'd driving is Manchaster United losing to Burnley at football.
Home by just after 10:00p.m, 15 1/2 hours after setting off (with perhaps two hours of breaks). 675 miles at 50 m.p.h - not bad when I only averaged 30 m.p.h for the first 200 miles.
Water pouring into a lay-by off the hills
The campsite at Sligachan - close to flooding. The white line on the hillside to the left is water pouring off the hill!
The river at in full flood
How the same scene looked on Monday
Riverlets streaming off a hillside
The waterfall at the end of Loch Ainort
How it looked on Monday!
The cafe at Broadford where I experienced the full Scottish breakfast - first haggis for six or seven years. Highly recommended
Elaine Dornan castle - clearly a major tourist site
Glen Garry - the cloud finally lifting
Clouds lifting as I drive south
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