Driving up the coast again, I get a few nice pictures before the rain begins again. It is only drizzle at first and I am happy to set off in the Quinnaig. But an hour later it is raining much harder and there is dense cloud around the summit area. I am a little concerned about getting lost in this odd landscape and so retreat to the car, spending 15 minutes sorting out the wet clothing so as not to end up with the entire inside of the car soaked. If it is going to continue raining, I need to keep the car as dry as possible.
So I make my way down to Portree and have some lunch in a cafe in the market square. Portree is quite busy, presumably because the rain is keeping people from doing other things. At the harbour I discover that there are boat trips to feed some sea eagles on a nearby island. This had apparently featured on Springwatch a year or two back. I might well do this tomorrow if the weather hasn't picked up and I can't go wild camping.
Most of the afternoon is spent crashed out again in a picturesque layby with some decent views across the water. Finished Ferguson's Tycho and Kepler. At some point soon I will start on Casper's Kepler and will prepare a detailed chronology against which I am planning my History of Science study for the next year at LSE.
The rain continues all afternoon and in to the evening. Supper in Portree and then a short drive to find somewhere to sleep for the night. My spirits are lowering by the hour. Tonight I watched the movie Iris on the laptop in the back seat of the Land Rover. Actually not a bad movie, but the circumstances of watching it are pretty odd.

After the rain begins
Portree harbour - presumably a very common photo view
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