Monday, 27 July 2009

"Writing Biography" and current travel plans

We have recently received the annual course newspaper from the Oxford University Department of Continuing Education. This pretty much always contains a really good selection of courses and this year is no exception. I am drawn to the 10 week course in Philosophy of Mathematics, a twenty week course in the History of Mathematics, and, in particular, a 20week course called "Writing Biography". Given my tentative plans, this last course could be an excellent way of assessing the reasonableness of the project.

We currently have three possible trips in the early stages of planning. Firstly, Scotland in August. This was going to have been the trip in which we borrowed Jerome's motorhome but that is no longer possible. Instead we are looking at various guesthouse itineraries. I am very excited about the idea of seeing a lot of varied places - Linda perhaps less keen on the constant movement between places

Then we have France in October. This will be an 8-night trip in the land rover linked to buying wine and other goodies. Hopefully we will be able to get as far down as the south-west of France around Carcassone. Lots of Cathar-related places beckon.

Finally there is the possibility that I at least will go to Austria in November to see the Phillip Glass opera premier in Linz. That is very tentative at this stage.

But all these should be interesting experiences - and as Linda keeps emphasising, we should be having more of these.

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