For eight to ten hours a day I am currently immersed in reading about the Reformation. Derek Wilson's biography of Luther,
Out of the Storm, Manschreck's
Melanchthon from 1953, Diarmaid MacCulloch's huge work,
Reformation, from a couple of years ago, Mandrou's
From Humanism to Science 1480-1700 and
The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. Rarely have I been so immersed in one subject.
Setting the scene for the sequence: Luther to Melanchthon to Wittenberg to Tubingen to Kepler
Also thinking about travelling to see the many places where these scenes occur - something that I understand many biographers do - I have seen it described as "optical research". Maybe something I could look at doing in November when I am pondering on going to Linz to see the premier of Philip Glass's opera,
KeplerA quick internet search throws up some nice pictures
Martin Luther
Philip Melanchthon - reformer of German universities in the Reformation
Lutherstrasse, Wittenberg
Tubingen University
My hero - Johannes Kepler
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