For the first time in ages I had a look through the current offerings on dimeadozen - it has been many weeks since I last had a look here. One highlight that I did find today was a recent show by Throwing Muses. It seems that Kristin Hersh is now adopting a pattern of doing the occasional TM show. I used to follow what she was up to quite closely (as part of the sort of reading that also covered Fripp at DGMlive). But it had passed me by that there might be more TM shows taking place. The TM show I saw a couple of years ago was a real highlight of that year.
A few things could be said to be now growing at the allotment. I have cleared out the old cold frames and a substantial collection of seeds of various sorts are settled in place - together with one or two packs of grown-on stuff acquired at Millets as a bit of insurance. I am suffering from the two classic forms of allotment stress - will I get enough ground clear to grow things in and, if I do, will anything grow. This will continue until the allotment looks lush in July, if not for longer

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