This does give me another good excuse to put lots of pictures up on this blog!

There are loads of portraits of Tycho - he was, afterall, a rich nobleman

The Times uses a colour picture of this scene for its story today

Statue of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler (my hero) - presumably in Prague?

Rather nice illustration of Tycho's model of the universe - for one small period, the most believed model of the heavens (maybe 30-50 years?)

After reading Leonardo's paper on the Duhem-Quine thesis, I was inspired to write my own, thus getting rid of the last PH400 essay due this term. Mine is based more on a book I read years ago from the mid-1970s, Can Theories be Refuted? I re-titled the essay to make it more about science and argued that the D-Q thesis can be avoided by appraising conjunctions of theories. It is not a very good idea as such, but it does explain why scientists do not labour over devising auxiliary hypotheses to explain away falsifications, and why "crucial experiments" do sometimes seem to occur in the history of science.
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