Monday, 25 September 2017

Current Fitness Regime

I have discovered the GCN organisation ("Global Cycling Network") who have published over 1,000 cycling related videos over the past few years.  These include about two dozen workout videos which are now forming the basis for my daily exercise routine.

Up at 7:00 a.m and out to the garage by 7:30, I am typically doing around 60 minutes, made up of a longer workout based on their indoor classes, followed by one of the short videos based on a climb - typically this has been the Passo Sella ramp session. 

So I can enjoy watching Lucy Martin indoors, followed by the hard push to really wipe myself out in the Italian Dolomites.  I am less than two weeks into my routine, and am constantly finding good training resources on the internet, so I hope to have a good winter training for next year.

The lovely Lucy in her rather snazzy GCN kit.  My all-time cycling hero remains Nicole Cooke though - her win in Beijing in the women's road race remains the greatest cycling win I have ever seen.

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