Monday, 24 September 2012

Old furniture

One of the big issues of the French project is that of furnishing a huge farmhouse.  I have agreed to buy some stuff from the vendors, but there is loads more stuff required.  I have been gradually compiling a shopping list and as part of this process, took my mother to an Antique centre close to her home.  I had hoped this might have one or two pieces that might have been of interest - instead I took about 75 photos and there were dozens of things that might have been suitable.  And stuff bought here is cheaper than new anyway, even before the 10% discount that we expect to get as we are trade.

Maybe 6 items on this one photo that could be suitable

Just like the chair I admired so much at Gill's in St Jean

The most expensive piece I photographed - just under £500, or less than half the price of a comparable new piece

I have also bought four second hand books on decorating old pieces, of which Linda Barker's Just Junk has been quite an eye-opener.  There are half a dozen projects in this book which were exactly the sort of pieces that I see all the time at really low prices, yet were transformed in the book.

So our criterion for the French property is that ideally, each piece of furniture must be unique and not have been bought from a store.  Our look is "French country / shabby chic".  Each room must also be sparcely furnished.  And ideally I will have some fun restoring a few items on the way.

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