An email from Emma, longer than her others and dealing with such matters as the food and people - our main recent concerns. She is just about managing with the food and the people are fine - so it seems
We had another relaxing day by the pool planned - there is some cloud today, but it is warm enough anyway. Gradually during the day, the wind increases, but we are sheltered enough behind the wall and hedge. My reading today was mainly articles from The Philosopher's Magazine
A rough plan for Sunday to stay one night in hotel near Genoa as I won't have time to reach Jerome in Nice after taking Linda back to Rome airport. Prices are higher than here - presumably the premium for the "Italian Riviera"
On a wander through the town, we buy some Orvieto classico white wine - inspired by our visit the other day.
And I have more thoughts on trading - mainly related to psyching myself up for a faster ramping process.

High winds on the lake shore - still hot though

Linda computing in her "Myleene Klaas" M&S white bikini - I am a big fan of this outfit

Tonight's meal is at the other restaurant away from the lake shore. This does some really excellent food, great wine and is cheaper than Il Molo - amazing the overall standard of food in this town
The weather has finally turned against us. Dark clouds and rain forecast - indeed thunder storms are due. We decide on a trip out to Perugia. First target is the huge shopping mall to the south-east of the city that we found on our last day two years ago. More wine is bought and Linda spends some time in Zara.
On to the city centre and the first rain. This picks up rapidly and soon there is lightning overhead and huge claps of instantaneous thunder. We are forced to shelter in a bookshop for half an hour. Linda looks at all the pictures in Italian pilates books, while I look at the art books, the large philosophy section (all Italian of course) and the small selection of books in English - which reveal that there are film versions of the other two "millenium trilogy" books.
Eventually we are back outside for a drink under the very awning on a street cafe. We don't stay much later in the city - but nice to see it again, we very much enjoyed being here two years ago
Linda walking down Perugia main street in the wet
A calendar for 2011 has a really great picture of this scene - not taken in the rain!
Storm over Passignano
We have a quiet afternoon at the hotel and then settle in the Mayfair bar.
Not the best day of our holiday so far, but as Linda says - if it didn't rain occasionally, there wouldn't be a lake!