We arrive in time to see Emma briefly outside Great Gate on her way to joining her fellow graduates for the day's events. She has her ermine hood over her gown and looks rather dashing we feel (only later do we see that she has it on incorrectly at this time!)
Emma at 9:00 with her hood on incorrectly
While we are waiting to be let into Senate House, we are lucky enough to catch Emma's procession along Trinity Street and into the Church opposite Senate House.

We are on the balcony of Senate House looking down on the actual ceremony. Once or twice when I look over to Emma I catch her eye. She looks very happy. The ceremony itself is a curious affair starting with the holding of an official's finger while he makes a declaration in Latin that these students should be admitted, followed by kneeling in front of the college master - in Emma's case, Martin Rees, the famous astronomer - while he holds their hands in pray position and recites more Latin. Then a curtsy and off to get their degree certificates. This has a certain routineness as they work through the many student in an identical manner, but it is still a thrill when your old child is called.
My thoughts went back to when Emma was born and I set out in my diary a sort of mission statement for what I hoped to achieve as a parent. Among the points was to help Emma achieve a good education that would set her up for the things she wants to do going forward. So on that basis, today's ceremony ends that process for me.
Outside, Emma and I order a selection of photos of the event and there is much photo taking on the lawn of Senate House, then back to Trinity for a light dinner in Neville Court which is very nice. More photos, including some with her friends and a brief chat to Rupert Gatti, her supervisor. He notes how surprised he had been by Emma's performance in Years 2 and 3 given he weaker year 1 (when she tended to party harder than work)

Emma with the proud parents
Emma spends the afternoon shopping with Linda and her parent while I do some packing and have a rest. Late afternoon there is a small wobble as the day's events seem to catch up with Emma a little. But we make it to the Hotel du Vin for a nice dinner to mark the event for the three of us. Emma has one more full day at Cambridge then is off to a friend's birthday party at the weekend and that will be that.
Like all parents, I feel the three years has just flown by.
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