But catching up on what has been happening in "advanced" market trading, it is clear that this would have been the way to go. It is actually slightly disappointing to discover that I was, in some respects, on exactly the right lines, even if I wasn't able to take it forward. But it also gives me support for my current plans.
Next week I intend to have a last "practice" week and then go live with all systems the week after. As a heuristic technique for developing my ideas I have been considering how I would explain my techniques to a third party - something I wasn't very good at when I worked in fund management. My basic metaphors are "order within apparent trubulence" - how, for short periods of time, chaos disappears and a tradable, directional bias develops. I have been re-reading some very technical papers on the broad field of "complexity" and there is little doubt that there is strong theoretical support for the views I have
And pictures of turbulence have got better and better!

A different pattern of "order out of chaos" is shown by flocks of starlings in flight. There have been loads of automata models of birds in flight, it being relatively easy to generate complex flight patterns from some very simple rules. Some of these rules come under the broad heading of "mean reversion", with outer birds moving back towards the average position - this is what produces the waves that appear within the flocks as each bird adopts something like the same behavior.
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