The last couple of days have been spent mainly on Latin. I have got slightly ahead of schedule for the translations for my course and am now working through some of the exercises that we might be expected to do this week. But I am still poor at learning both the weekly vocabulary and verb conjugations and noun declensions. Progress seems good to me (though I haven't had a look at any "proper Latin" per my PhD project so don't have an up-to-date view of how I am doing compared to this)
Also I am back reading some late Middle Ages material (mainly from the history of books and the re-discovery of Greek works from the Arabic). Finally, I have also continued the big clear out of stuff from the study. A dozen boxes have been removed, patches of the floor that have not seen light for years are now clear again. Everything has a veneer of good order.
Today's images are on the theme of "scribes" to match my current reading

Four beautiful pictures - if I had lived in the Middle Ages, I would like to have been a scribe!
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