So today I was down for John's History of Science lecture/seminar. Much of this term is material we did last year, but today's was pretty good being on atomism and corpuscular theories - something I wasn't interested in last year but am more so this year - mainly due to Kepler's attack of Epicureanism in De stella nova. But as usual, no one wants to get a drink or lunch afterwards.
A brief trip to the library and some new books. Then I figured I would go and crash out in the MSc sudents roon in the Philosophy depeartment building. Stretched out across three chairs I am soon asleep. I wake to hear several other students talking about me - who is this old guy crashed out in our room?
So I headed off for a walk in the rain towards Covent Garden. Then the idea hit me to go and visit the National Gallery and find out some more details of the exhibition I'd like to see of the Delaroche Lady Jane Grey picture. Of course the main part of the NG is free. I had no real plan in mind, instead heading right at the first junction taking me into fairly modern paintings - Renoir's girl in the rain, and so on. Highlights were the Rhetoric by Justus of Ghent and Sassaferrato's portrait of the Virgin Mary
Justus's Rhetoric

But it is a poor day and I was feeling pretty unhappy as I sat in a pub eating my dinner and reading one of the books I got from LSE library, prior to seeing Satyagraha.