For the first time in three or four weeks, I have had a vivid dream. I usually have three or four a week but perhaps not being well has affected their occurance.
I am sitting in a temple room, lush drapes on the walls, loads of candles, incense etc. I am there with a beautiful Greek girl (why Greek?), with long dark hair and beautiful dark brown eyes. She believes me to be a tantric sex master but I am unable to remember anything about what we are supposed to do. My mind is a complete blank. It was like one of those dreams where people are taking an exam and turn over the paper to discover they have been studying the wrong thing all year, or are at the wrong exam. But with more sex involved obviously.
The girl remindered me of someone but I can't think who. I'm not sure I have ever met any Greek girls.

A Tibetan Buddhist Tantric image

A rather stunning statue showing "Yabyum"
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