Yoga Teacher Training Course, Victoria, London
And so after 10 months, it is the day of my final assessment on my yoga teacher training course. From our original 12 or so, we are down to five being tested today, one being tested very soon and several who have rolled onto the next course following behind our one. Four are unaccounted for - lost somewhere along the way!
But today is a tough day. One hour classes by the five of us plus Romana's pre-assessment. Also some news before we start. Sarah is pregnant and won't be doing the day's classes from us, but will do her own. Well done Sarah!
First off is Rhea, who has struggled for a lot of the course with feeling unconfident, but today she did the best teaching we have ever seen her do. A class programme that was ideally suited to her strengths. Hard to tell for sure straight away that she had definitely passed, but it seemed good to me.
Next up was Tracey, who is perhaps our best participant. Her class was actually quite a challenging one, but very well taught. No doubt at all in my mind that she has passed.
Sarah was next. She has also occasionally appeared nervous in the past, but really shone today. And she definitely has the glow of a mum-to-be.
And so to me. A little nervous at the start, resulting in my breath being a little short, but soon into my stride. A decent enough first bit, then some challenging postures for the main section - Vrkasana, Gomukasana, some flowing sequences using twists. My explanations seemed ok, if a little wordy. I did plenty of adjusting, used a lot of props, etc. Overall I was pretty happy, though Elena had written a lot down on her marking sheet.
Finally Eve, who also really pulled out a good performance, playing to her strengths as Rhea did. I was aware that Eve was a bit behind with her homeworks and wondered if this might affect her pass or fail today. Hard to tell, it seemed to me - maybe just done enough.
So then there is a hour when we all sat downstairs while each of us was called up and taken through a review by the two external assessors and Elena. Ten minutes in and there is a cry of delight from Rhea who has got through. Her Q&A went ok and she was delighted with the outcome. Tracey and Sarah then also pass.
For my part, my Q&A was relatively straightforward. Both assessors thought I had done very well - one even said they would have really liked to have been able to have done my class - perhaps they say that to all the people they pass, who knows. Elena has a few points but mainly chatted about what a challenging student I have been for her and what a transformation in me over the course. She could tell I have been teaching lots of real people recently as I was, in her words, "teachig like a real human being". So I have passed as well!!
Eve is last and doesn't get an immediate verdict that worries us all, but she eventually gets the news that she has passed too. So 5/5 for the day.
After all this we then have to regroup for Romana's pre-assessment - her mock exam. We are all really tired and overwhelmed by now and it is really hard to keep going. Romana's class starts to get a little out of control and Elena decides to roll it in to tomorrow's practicum with the other class. Romana can definitely teach better and we all have our fingers crossed for her exam in a few weeks time.

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