Thursday 14 May 2009

Not much allotment progress . . . .

After two days of strong winds, which cut my willingness to work outdoors to less than an hour a day, followed by a day of heavy rain, we finally have a damp and grey day into which I am happy to venture out.

One immediate positive development. I met Patrick, our neighbour opposite, this morning. He is working hard (with help) on their field ("paddock") and was about to burn loads of wood. As luck would happen, I was just passing when he was out there and he is happy for me to take as much of it as I'd like. So I have sorted out various pieces, including four complete crates that are, in effect, ready made compost bins. Not clear though how I will get the stuff to the allotment.

More stuff has been eaten, probably by birds, so more netting needed. I am not having much luck growing dwarf beans so far - they seem to be the birds favorite. For some reason, they are less keen on sweetcorn which is left undisturbed.

Some things growing - the first courgette to venture outside and half a bed of sweetcorn. The latest bean eating is behind the wire mesh
But grass is certainly growing back quickly - it is only a few weeks since this was completely clear. The delay building the fences stopped it being cleared

Best crops so far - spinach and pak choi (note the net)

More heavy weed growth - the rhubarb is somewhere in here

This is the repeat of the "before" picture from a few weeks ago

And this is it now - so some progress is being made. Red currents and gooseberries are doing very well. Even the new fruit trees have started to get leaves on them - not sure if they will crop this year though

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