While looking for fishing videos on youtube, I stumbled across a series of videos called "Barbel fishing on the Swale". These are filmed and presented by an old guy (would "codger" be the right word?) called Charlie. He has the video camera fixed on a tripod and he gives a little bit of commentary on what he is up to, then is usually seen catching a fish or two. Remarkably, he is up to video number 89 in this series, each about 10 minutes long and covering in total about the last two years fishing.
I think these videos are really good and I have been inspired to dig out our video camera and finally get round to working out how to use it properly. I have just bought a light travel tripod, an upgraded memory card and am about to buy a bigger battery, so I would be able to film about 2 to 3 hours in one set up. For my type of fishing, which is based on fishing spots for about 30 mins each time, this could suit this video set up quite well. So next season I am planning to film my fishing year!
Charlie mainly fishes the style of barbel fishing known as "codding". He typically uses two rods, pointing high in the air, and doesn't bother with quiver tips, just using the standard rod tip and baitrunner reels - so his bites are huge pulls on the tip and line running off the reel - the Stef Horaks approach. He seems to use pellets for most of his fishing. And he has certainly caught some great fish. It would be really good to have somewhere relatively nearby that offered such consistent barbel sport. And wouldn't it have been amazing if I had filmed the capture of my big barbel!
Over the next few days - when I am doing most of the trading while Jerome has his kids for the first part of the holidays - I shall watch a few episodes a day, focusing on learning as much as I can about how he shoots the videos. Excellent stuff. Well done Charlie!
I think these videos are really good and I have been inspired to dig out our video camera and finally get round to working out how to use it properly. I have just bought a light travel tripod, an upgraded memory card and am about to buy a bigger battery, so I would be able to film about 2 to 3 hours in one set up. For my type of fishing, which is based on fishing spots for about 30 mins each time, this could suit this video set up quite well. So next season I am planning to film my fishing year!
Charlie mainly fishes the style of barbel fishing known as "codding". He typically uses two rods, pointing high in the air, and doesn't bother with quiver tips, just using the standard rod tip and baitrunner reels - so his bites are huge pulls on the tip and line running off the reel - the Stef Horaks approach. He seems to use pellets for most of his fishing. And he has certainly caught some great fish. It would be really good to have somewhere relatively nearby that offered such consistent barbel sport. And wouldn't it have been amazing if I had filmed the capture of my big barbel!
Over the next few days - when I am doing most of the trading while Jerome has his kids for the first part of the holidays - I shall watch a few episodes a day, focusing on learning as much as I can about how he shoots the videos. Excellent stuff. Well done Charlie!

Charlie addressing his fans and with a typical Swale barbel.