Friday 15 October 2010

Julian Cope and St Jerome in his study

A recent download has been a recent recording of Julian Cope in Stockton-on-Tees. I remain a great admirer of the singular path that he has pursued. A brief article in the paper earlier this week suggested that a film might be being made of his autobiography, Head. This is one of the great rock'n'roll biographies. The last major article I read about Cope was in Wire magazine. I remain very keen on hearing some of his death metal band, Black Sheep. Cope is now over 50!

On a totally different theme, I was reading an article on one of the many versions of the painting, St Jerome in his study. I have been collecting various versions of this picture and am surprised by the many variations on the theme.

Jerome looking perplexed

Jerome surrounded by the many impliments of the medieval scholar

Caravaggio's version (I think)

Cool lion

The classic old man Jungian archetype

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