Monday 12 April 2010

First day of a planned week's trading

I have set aside this week with virtually no distractions so that I might do some PH413 work ready for my exam in June and also do a full week's real trading (though at a small size as I am still bedding down systems, etc)

Overnight the FTSE has pitched higher, probably off the back of the latest Greek baleout scheme. Two of the systems gave sells during the night, with the last one giving a sell around 8:10, at which point I put on a half sized opening position. In the next hour, the market trundled down about 20 points and gave some ok exits. From then on it more or less traded sideways giving a couple of tiny profitable trade and two small losses as the afternoon dragged on. +£150 for the day, an average points day according to my research. At full size, per my planned May start date, today would have made about +£380.

Meanwhile I was able to produce about a dozen pages of revision notes for PH413 - which of course are not really revision as I hadn't done the work in the first place. But some ideas are beginning to set in my mind. I am clearly not up to taking the exam yet though!

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