Saturday 17 October 2009

Latin 1 - the big push starts here

After a couple of weeks when the Latin course has been pretty straightforward, there is the first sugestion today that from now on, things are going to get serious. Conjugations of verbs have begun to appear with the instruction that we must learn them perfectly. Noun declensions have also appeared. Then our vocab list seems to be leaping up in size. So perhaps from here on, Latin will have to be allocated some decent time each week.

Of course I have a very specialised reason for studying Latin - that I want to be able to have a decent go at translating some medieval Latin science. It seems to me that in theory at least, translating science should be easier in some respects that literature as there is less emotonal nuance to be concerned with, and less complex tenses. And it is often said that in translating science, it is the science rather than the language that is the hard part. So I have my fingers crossed that this will be the case.

That said, I am rather looking forward to learning some verb conjugations and noun declensions!

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