Thursday 23 July 2009

Northern Exposure

Watched two mid-series-three episodes of Northern Exposure - the first I have watched for a couple of years - one I seem not to have seen before where Maggie believes that a husky dog embodies the spirit of her dead ex-boyfriend, Rick, and one I had seen in which Joel dreams of a visit from his non-existent twin brother, Jules. A fine way to spend the evening

Despite not watching it often, this show remains my favourite TV series ever. The strong philosophical thread of anti-materialism that ran through the show was hugely influential on me and reflects my own philosophical views to a great degree. I still have most of series 6 still left to watch and am planning to slowly make my way towards this over the coming months

On searching the internet, I was surprised to discover that Janine Turner, who played the marvellous character of Maggie, has been involved in some sort of Christian-Yoga video - apparently enabling Christians to chant New Testament Scripture while doing Yoga, rather than Hindu sanskrit. The mind boggles!

But of course it is the character of Chris that had the most impact on me - as I suspect it did on most NE fans.

Apparently there is an annual NE get together called something like "Moosefest" - the next one occurs next week.

Three shots of Maggie

And one of Chris looking philosophical . . .

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